Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Fighting Naked"

Have you ever wondered what you would do if someone tried to mug you or pick a fight with you in a street or a parking lot? I have. I've thought about it. I've actually got a fool proof plan to ensure my safety.

I'm getting naked.

You see, I'm betting that the mugger or assailant really wouldn't want to wrestle or grapple with a naked dude because I know that I would never want to wrestle or grapple with a naked dude. Seriously, it's gross. Even if I won, I'd feel like a loser. So, my #1 rule in a fight is to get naked. You may think It's crazy, or weird, but that's my plan.

Well, that is... if it's a physical fight. If it's a spiritual fight, I have to do something else entirely.

Today I began working on a new message series called, "I Am Sin". The plan is to personify sin, understand the enemy, and deal with it as we are taught in Ephesians 6. So, I was re-reading Ephesians 6 and came to verse 13 where it says, "Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm." That got me thinking...

This is a linear statement, right? It says, "Then".

"THEN after the battle you will be standing firm". It sure sounds like to me that the full armor of God is a prerequisite to being able to stand. Now, I realize that this may seem a little elementary to some of you reading this, but I want to make sure we understand exactly what the implication of this scripture really is to Christians today.

This scripture implies that if you're not standing, you've been knocked down. It implies that if you've been knocked down, you didn't have the armor on. It implies that if you didn't have the armor on, it's a YOU problem.

"Therefore, put on EVERY PIECE of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. THEN after the battle you will be STANDING firm."

Why does it seem that the devil is beating up on you all the time? Why does it seem like you never quite get to where God wants you to be? Why do you feel like you keep getting knocked down? Could it be because we can't follow instructions? We aren't wearing every piece of God's armor are we? WE ARE FIGHTING NAKED!

Fighting naked doesn't work when the enemy is shooting fiery arrows! (Eph 6:16)

So let's get you clothed. Let's put the armor on. Here's the whole list:

"Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

Find the part(s) of the armor that your life has been missing. Put it on. Put on EVERY PIECE. THEN you will stand. God has given you everything you need. Just follow the directions and stop fighting naked...

Seriously, stop it... it's a little weird.


  1. I really enjoyed this! It sparked great some good conversation with my wife. We started talking about what part of the armor we are missing. I really feel like I have a hard time with God's righteousness being given to me through the finished work of Christ....too much focus on depravity I guess... My wife doesn't feel like she "puts on the shoes" of missional "good news". She doesn't want to make people feel uncomfortable.

  2. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! Also glad it sparked some good meaningful discussion. I received a comment on facebook questioning whether or not I thought I could actually get my clothes off in time before the other guy punched me in the face... Your conversation was more meaningful than mine. haha

    Thanks for your comments!

  3. Always enjoy your blog entries, Josh. Yep, you're right--we shouldn't be fighting naked--or nekkid as we call it here in the south. God has equipped us with all we need, yet it's kind of like seatbelts--if we don't put them on, we can get smashed pretty easily. Seems like a no-brainer to me. Thanks again for the words of wisdom.

  4. Thanks Pat. By the way, last time I saw it spelled "nekkid" was on the back of a Ray Stevens T-shirt! hahaha

  5. Great blog. I just saw you following me on twitter, I am going to do the same. I am enjoying the fresh perspective on things.
    Here is my blog, would be great to have you do a guest blog on it some time.
